Medical devices
Certification and testing over medical devices sector, one of the most regulated industry, to secure our protection.
ReadInformation security
GDPR and data protection. Meet market expectations, secure confidentiality and by bqs. certification show your commitment.
Management of environmental challenges facing business, government and society to address climate change.
Find the best energy solution and management over resources you need, get certification and reduce operating costs.
ReadAgriculture and food
We are what we eat. Let bqs. regularly inspect your farms and fields and build sustainable trust in your products.
ReadSocial responsibility
World has different colors and tastes but humans are the same, do responsible business and not exceptions.
LVD/EMC testing and production certification to meet market requirements and customers safety expectations.
Inspection, certification and testing over automotive production chain up to distribution services.
Laboratory and certification services with coverage from oil platforms to water treatment solutions.
ReadLife science
Daily life can be dangerous even we can not see it. Laboratory testing and analysis as per your needs by bqs.
Do beauty, do not test on animals. By bqs. certification marks, your customers will be sure about what you produce.
Restrict pesticides or fertilizers and prove you do organic farming. bqs. will supervise your commitment for organic food.