Certificate verification page

Certification scheme
98/79/EC Annex III section 6
Certificate number
IVDD 21 042 0106
Certificate history
IVDD 21 042 0106 (Initial issue |26.Nov.2021)
Manufacturer/Holder of certificate
Guangzhou Decheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Room 218 and Room 212, Building 2, No. 68, Nanxiang 1st Road, Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510663, P.R. China
Other sites
Effective from
Valid until
Suspension period
Withdrawn on
Validity status
Validity conditions
The manufacturer has a duty to submit to the Notified body testing results as per established procedure of each manufactured batch prior its releasing.
Products within scope
2019-nCoV AgSalivaRapid Test Card (Immunochromatography)
2019-nCoV Ag Saliva Rapid Test Card is an antigen rapid test on basis of lateral flow immunochromatographic assay intended for the rapid and qualitative detection of N-antigen of human coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) in saliva samples from individuals suspected of COVID-19.
Devices for self-testing