Eurotron_QMM 21 045 0105

Certificate verification page

bqs. s.r.o.
Notified body 2854 | SKTC 180 | Accredited certification body
Certification scheme

EN ISO13485:2016

Certificate number

QMM 24 021 0161

Certificate history

QMM 24 021 0161 ( Re-certification | 22.November.2024)
QMM 21 045 0105 rev.1
(First revision | 10.November.2022-21.November.2024)
QMM 21 045 0105 (Initial issue | 27.October.2021-09.November.2022)

Manufacturer/Holder of certificate
Eurotron component, a.s.
Závodná 953, 027 43 Nižná, Slovakia
Other sites
Effective from


Suspension period
Withdrawn on
Validity status
Manufacture, installation, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of electronic equipment and parts (Printed circuit boards (PCBs) for medical devices)