Certificate verification page
Certification scheme
EN ISO13485:2016
Certificate number
QMM 21 065 0108
Certificate history
QMM 21 065 0108 (Re-certification | 01.Dec.2021)
QM30 0085 2019 0134 (Initial certification | 01.Dec.2019 – 30.Nov.2021)
Manufacturer/Holder of certificate
Rodovia Washington Luiz, Km 172 S/N Jardim Anhanguera,
Condomínio Industrial Conpark,
Rio Claro 13.501-600, Brazil
Other sites
Effective from
Suspension period
From 02.November.2022 – 06.November.2022
Withdrawn on
Validity status
Project and development, manufacture, sales and post-sales surveillance of orthopaedic implants, sterile and non-sterile, for osteosynthesis and arthroplasty and their instrument sets